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Apr 06, 2015 · The Louis Vuitton date code is not a serial number or unique to the bag but it does give you important information about where and when the bag was produced. A fake bag can still have a real date code sequence but anytime you look at a Louis Vuitton you should always read the date code to determine where and when the bag was made.
Louis Vuitton model numbers (also known as style numbers) are actually not found within the bag itself, but it is printed on a small card that comes small fake louis vuitton bag with every bag when it is first purchased. If you're buying a pre-loved piece, there is no guarantee that it will come with the model number card because the previous owner may have thrown out or ... Louis Vuitton Speedy Bandouliere 25 M41113
Tote bags: If you're looking for a perfect beach bag or an overnight bag, a Louis Vuitton tote bag is ideal. In addition to storing your clothing and toiletries, you can fit items such as a book, a tablet, and a small …
All in all, I'm obsessed with my new bag. My Neverfull GM came in looking pristine (even better than the Fashionphile description) and I use it - no joke - weekly.
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Do you have the Neverfull GM? Do you shop pre-loved? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!
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